Are there pests in my pantry?

Are there pests in my pantry? As you dig through your cupboards in search of ingredients to bake pumpkin pie, cookies and other goodies for the holidays, you should keep your eyes peeled for pests that could be hiding in that bag of flour, chocolate, cereal or spices. These pantry pests gather around food products stored in pantries and cabinets. Be wary: They can take over your food!
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Do I Need Pest Control in the Winter?

Do I need pest control in Winter? FALL AND WINTER TEMPERATURES WILL BRING OUT THOSE PESKY CRITTERS. They want to invade your warm and comfy home! You should pest proof your house!
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How do I get rid of American Cockroaches?

How do I get rid of American Cockroaches? Adult American cockroaches average between 1.4” to 1.6” in length, but they can grow to exceed 2”. American cockroaches are reddish brown in color with a yellow band that outlines the area behind their head. Both males and females have wings and can fly short distances.
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How do I keep ants out of my house?

How do I keep ants out of my house? Now that flowers have started blooming and temperatures have risen, ants often march indoors in search of a consistent food and water supply, making pest-proofing the home an important task to keep ants out of your house.
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Are House Mice Dangerous?

Are house mice dangerous? They may be cute (sort of), but they are dangerous. Mice are the most common rodent pest in most parts of the world. They can breed rapidly and adapt quickly to changing conditions. In fact, a female house mouse can give birth to a half dozen babies every three weeks, and can produce up to 35 young per year.
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Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous to Humans?

Are wolf spiders dangerous to humans? These spiders are often big and hairy which alarms some people, but they are primarily nuisance pests. Wolf spiders can inject venom if continually provoked. Symptoms of their bites include swelling, mild pain, and itching.
What Kind of Bugs Come Out in the Spring?

What kind of bugs come out in the Spring? SPRING AND SUMMER TEMPS WILL BRING OUT THOSE PESKY INSECT NEIGHBORS OF YOURS. They want to move in! Pest proof your home!
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Do Cockroaches Trigger Allergies?

Do cockroaches trigger allergies? It’s natural in the springtime to have concerns about pests that can impact health, from mosquitoes that can carry Zika virus and West Nile virus, to ticks that can transmit Lyme disease, and more. But what about pests that trigger allergy and asthma symptoms that commonly arise this time of year? Many are surprised to learn that cockroaches could be to blame for sneezing, itchy eyes and runny noses.
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Are Cicadas Coming to Ohio in 2021?

Are cicadas coming to Ohio in 2021? Yes, they are, and not just in Ohio! One of the largest broods of periodical cicadas in the nation, Brood X will emerge this spring in 15 states: Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, as well as Washington, D.C.
Will Cockroaches Go Away in the Winter in Charlotte NC?

Will cockroaches go away in the winter in Charlotte NC? Nope, sorry. Cockroaches love warm, moist areas, so winter is an ideal time for homeowners to take the time to cockroach-proof their homes and, in turn, help reduce illness and potential household allergy triggers for themselves and their families.
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