Are Fleas a Serious Problem in Nashville?

Are fleas a serious problem in Nashville? They can be! Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of animals and people. Fleas do not normally live on humans, rather on cats, dogs and wildlife. They do however bite people who handle infested animals. Fleabites cause small, red, itchy bumps, and are most often found on the ankles and lower legs of humans. For relief from itching wash with soap and water, then apply ice.
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What Stinging Insects Are In Chattanooga?

What stinging insects are in Chattanooga? They may not have been invited, but stinging insects are inevitable guests to most outdoor gatherings. These fun-stealers send more than 500,000 people to emergency rooms each year and are especially active during the second half of summer and early Fall when the colonies forage for food that will sustain their queens during the winter. It is during this time that most people fall victim to the physical and financial sting that these nasty critters pose. Read More
Why Are Stink Bugs So Bad in Knoxville?

Why are stink bugs so bad in Knoxville? Fall is just around the corner and the shorter days and falling temperatures motivate stink bugs to run for cover. If they sheltered beneath tree bark or mulch, that would be one thing, but they prefer moving into your home over winter, piling into cracks and crevices by the thousands. Yuck.
Are Mosquitoes Bad in North Carolina?

Mosquitoes thrive in moist, humid environments and the warm, temperate environment in North Carolina is a perfect place for these dangerous biting pests.
Can Camel Crickets Hurt You?

Can camel crickets hurt you? This group of crickets is classified as an occasional invader and a nuisance pest. They don’t pose any health threats to people. Camel crickets can overwinter in homes, normally as nymphs or young adults. Females lay their eggs in early spring and they hatch during April.
Are Orb-Weaver Spiders Dangerous?

Are orb-weaver spiders dangerous? Orb-weaver spiders are considered beneficial to humans. They eat flies, mosquitoes, ants, and other pest insects. Although many can give a painful bite, no orb-weaver spiders are considered dangerous to humans (except to rare individuals who have severe allergic reactions to insect and spider bites).
Can You Get Rid of German Cockroaches?

Can you get rid of German cockroaches? The German cockroach is very successful at establishing an ecological niche in buildings and is resilient in the face of many pest-control measures. To be effective, control measures must be comprehensive, sustained, and systematic; survival of just a few eggs is quite enough to regenerate a nearly exterminated pest population within a few generations, and recolonization from surrounding populations often is very rapid, too.
How Bad is the Velvet Ant Sting?

How bad is the velvet ant sting? The velvet ant has multiple defensive strategies, but is best known for its extremely painful sting (female only), earning it the nickname of “cow killer,” not because it can kill a cow but because the sting hurts so badly that it feels like it could kill a cow. The sting may be painful, but the venom is not very toxic. Its defenses include the ability to run fast and evasively, warning coloration, stridulatory warning sounds (rubbing together body parts), a chemical secretion, and venom.
How Do You Get Carpet Beetles?

How Do You Get Carpet Beetles? Adult carpet beetles fly inside through open doors and windows to lay eggs on furniture, clothing, or rugs and often are introduced when infested items are brought inside a home. If homeowners don’t keep items clean and well maintained, a new carpet beetle brood may hatch and start the cycle again.
Can Cicada Killers Hurt You?

Can cicada killers hurt you? Females have significant stingers which they plunge into cicadas to inject venom that paralyzes them. Without doubt, their stings are painful. However, they are not aggressive and do not have the nest-guarding instinct of honeybees and hornets. You can walk through areas where they are active without attracting attention.