Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous to Humans?

Are wolf spiders dangerous to humans? These spiders are often big and hairy which alarms some people, but they are primarily nuisance pests. Wolf spiders can inject venom if continually provoked. Symptoms of their bites include swelling, mild pain, and itching.
Wolf spiders are robust and agile hunters with excellent eyesight. They live mostly in solitude and hunt alone (usually at night), and do not spin webs. Some are opportunistic hunters pouncing upon prey as they find it or even chasing it over short distances. Some wait for passing prey in or near the mouth of a burrow.
Wolf spiders may enter structures in search of prey. Although they are not inclined to be permanent residents in structures, they often stay once inside. Indoors, wolf spiders tend to remain at or near floor level, especially along walls and under furniture.
Wolf spiders have eight eyes arranged in three rows. The bottom row consists of four small eyes, the middle row has two very large eyes and the top row has two medium-sized eyes. Unlike most other arachnids, which are generally blind or have poor vision, wolf spiders have excellent eyesight with their large eyes. The sensory hairs on their legs and bodies give them an acute sense of touch.
Wolf spiders are unique in the way that they carry their eggs. The egg sac, a round, silken globe, is attached to the spinnerets at the end of the abdomen, allowing the spider to carry her unborn young with her. The abdomen must be held in a raised position to keep the egg case from dragging on the ground. However, despite this handicap, they are still capable of hunting. Another aspect unique to wolf spiders is their method of care of young. Immediately after the spiderlings emerge from their protective silken case, they clamber up their mother’s legs and crowd onto the dorsal side of her abdomen. The mother carries the spiderlings for several weeks before they are large enough to disperse and fend for themselves. No other spiders are currently known to carry their young on their backs for any period of time.
Are wolf spiders dangerous to humans? To control those guys, seal cracks on the outside of the home and use screens on doors and windows.
If a wolf spider is found indoors, you can introduce it to your vacuum cleaner. Are wolf spiders dangerous to humans? If you suspect an infestation, please contact us at ClearDefense Pest Control. We’ll be happy to help!
More info about wolf spiders.
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